trips / travelling

The bar chart shows how often the German and the Spanish pupils have travelled abroad in their life. The data used reveals that in Germany most of the pupils have travelled abroad more than 5 times. Only a very small part of the German pupils have travelled abroad less than 5 times. A lot of Spanish pupils have travelled abroad from 1 to 5 times. But there is a very small number of pupils who have travelled more than 5 times. The chart underlines the fact that German students travel more on their holidays than Spanish students. In Germany most of these trips are because of holiday and also some of them because of school exchanges or for visiting relatives. As for the Spanish pupils, they more frequently travel abroad on holiday and school exchanges. So you could say that German people travel more abroad because up to 90% travel on their holidays. It is surprising to note that for Spanish pupils the reason for travelling is often school exchange. The chart is effective because it shows really well that German pupils travel more than Spanish pupils and also why they do it.