
This chart shows how much money students have for their personal expenses. The chart used reveals that German and Spanish students have a very similar amount of money for their personal expenses.
This bar chart represents how German and Spanish pupils get the money they spend. The data used reveals that Germans get more money from their parents than the Spanish. More Germans work to get their money. The Spanish grandparents give more money to their grandchildren.

The bar chart represents the number of students working in different kinds of jobs.
The data used reveals that are really changing comparing Spanish students with German students.
While the very major part of Spanish pupils work in household chores or similar jobs,  german pupils are also represented in teaching to children, delivering food and also a lot in babysitting.
The chart underlines the fact that German pupils work nearly equally in all kind of jobs.
While Spanish students mostly work in one special kind of job. That might be justified by the fact that jobs in Spain are short in general.

This survey represents how much money pupils from different schools usually spend when they go out with their friends .
In Germany , most of the students spend between 10 and 20 € when they go out, but in Spain most of the students spend less than 5 €. We can also see that the number of students that spend more than 20 € is higher in Spain.
In short, we can deduce from this survey that the lifestyle in Berlin is a bit more expensive than in Ejea but it also shows us that there are people in Ejea who spend more money although the lifestyle is cheaper. It´s surprising the fact that many people spend less than 5 € in Ejea because I think that it is not much.
The bar chart shows the difference between German and Spanish pupils when they spend money. The data used reveals that the majority of German pupils spend most of their money on food while Spanish spend it on drinks. A minority of German pupils spend their money on transport as it happens in Spain. The number of pupils who spend most of their money on food is similar in both countries, but in Spain more pupils spend more money on drinks than on food.
In Germany a lot of pupils spend their money on other activities. This also happens in Spain although less than in Germany. The chart underlines the fact that most of the students spend their money on drinks and food.