
The bar chart shows how many people gather together in Germany and in Spain when they meet their friends. The data used reveals that German pupils often get together only with one friend whereas the Spanish pupils usually meet more friends than the German pupils. They meet more than 5 friends whereas the majority of German pupils meets from 3 to 5 friends only.

The bar chart shows how many hours a week students spend with their friends outside school.The Spanish students spend quiet the same amount of time with their friends outside school.
The bar chart shows what kind of activities the pupils of FEG and Reyes Católicos usually do with their friends. The data used reveals that a lot of German pupils hang out at somebody's house and less of the Spanish people do that. The chart underlines the fact that more Spanish people go dancing with their friends, but the difference is not so big.
More German than Spanish people do sports with their friends and go shopping together. Not so many people from Germany and Spain go to youth centres. It is surprising to note that more German people do cultural and other activities than the Spanish people.
In conclusion, there are some differences between the Spanish and German people, but not too many. Most people prefer to go to somebody's house and to go out.

The bar chart shows what is more important for the German and Spanish people, the family or the friends. For both of them the family is more important than the friends, the difference is not so big.